PRESIDENT – Leigh Balducci
Leigh currently serves as the President of the Eastern Chapter, Local 2836. As President, she negotiates with management any changes in job descriptions, work schedules and upgrades of positions. She handles grievances of all Eastern members. Leigh currently serves as the Associate Design and Publications Officer for University Relations. Leigh can be reached at (860) 465-5303, at and is located in Gelsi-Young, Room 137
TREASURER – Angela Bazin
Angela currently serves as the Treasurer of the Eastern Chapter, Local 2836. As Treasurer, she is responsible for all of the financial concerns of the Eastern Chapter. She currently serves as the Director of Housing & Residential Life. Angela can be reached at (860) 465-0147, at and is located in Wood Support Services Center, Room 245.
SECRETARY – Alyssa Duffy
Alyssa currently serves as the Secretary of the Eastern Chapter, Local 2836. As Secretary, Alyssa takes minutes at all of the Eastern Chapter meetings and makes them available for membership. Alyssa also communicates SUOAF job opportunities to members as they become available and updates the Eastern Chapter web pages. Alyssa serves as Associate Director of Student Activities. Alyssa can be reached at (860) 465-0105 and is located in the Student Center, Room 224.
TRUSTEE – Karyl Bulmer
Karyl currently servers as the Trustee of the Eastern Chapter, Local 2836. As Trustee, she audits the finances of the Eastern Chapter and reports back to the Local on the findings on a semi-annual basis. Karyl servers Eastern as the Director of Financial Planning. She can be reached at (860) 465-0688, at and is located in Gelsi-Young Hall, Room 339.